Tuesday, November 3, 2009

National Novel Writing Month -- Boy am I scared!!!

In case you hadn't heard, Nov. 1 kicked off National Novel Writing Month -- a month where those who love to write commit to writing at least 50,000 words within 30 days. You may be thinking... 50,000 words? 30 Days? Why?

Honestly, I didn't really know why until I started writing -- on November 2nd! Yeah that means I didn't write a dayum thing on the first day. When you do the math -- to meet the 50k goal, I've got to write a MINIMUM of 1,666 words per day. HA! Peanuts I thought. Until I started writing... on THE SECOND DAY!! Ok, so why do I keep repeating that I started late? Because you don't know the challenge of writing 1,666 words until you try and do it. MAN... I squeezed every bit of creative juice I had last night into my laptop... and still only topped out at around 1400 words -- and I started A DAY LATE!!!! See my issue?

In the overall scheme of things -- the challenge is to make you write -- not edit -- just write!! Editing will come later. I was "hovering" in the background of the NANO universe. Reading various posts. Seeing those individuals who were just totally geeking about the start of NANO 2009. Until this morning... when I posted the first few lines of my book. I was scared -- worried about rejection -- or snide comments from fellow NANO's until I realized -- umm most of them are just like me! So I sent my post -- and I was liberated!! It was such an awesome feeling to share something that I've kept guarded within me for so long!!

But back to the numbers game -- I'm at a pace that has me down 1,932 words -- and I'm still in the first 6 pages (roughly). I plan on picking up the pace -- and writing like mad for the next 28 days. Don't worry - I'm still going to keep hunting for the best of the best Vampire books and posting reviews. I still NEED to READ!!

Go ahead and ask me.... "Dren - what's your story about?" ::::::::::drum roll please:::::::::::: Only the best kick-ass black vampire book ever written! Wish me luck!!!

If you want to join the fun or find out more about National Novel Writing Month... click here!

and the hunt continues.....

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